Your Balanced Life!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Covey on Work Life Balance

I've taken quite a long hiatus from the blog over the past few months while I have been pleasantly engaged doing some fantastic work with teams, professionals and organizations around leadership and balance issues.

Work Life Quality and balance issues continue to be a hot topic against the context of doing more with less, and economic volatility across the globe.

I came across an interesting blog post by Stephen R. Covey this morning which I wanted to connect you to. How to strike a work and life balance is an interesting read -- particularly if you reflect on his following comment:

"....driven by an addiction to the urgent and continually respond to the the four P’s—those things that are Pressing, Proximate, Pleasant and Popular—leaving very little time to do those things that are truly important." - Stephen R. Covey

How are you creating time today to address those things that are truly important for you?

Have a wonderful day!


Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC
Potentials Realized
Leverage Your Time in 2009 Virtual Retreat - starts December
Toll Free: 1-866-217-1960

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