Your Balanced Life!

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Keeping Those Resolutions Alive!

We're two weeks into the New Year and I am curious as to how your New Year's Resolutions and Intentions are coming. If you've written these down, take a moment and pull them out to review.

On a scale of 1 - 10 , with 1 being "I've abandoned this resolution", and 10 being "I'm on fire with it!", rank each one of your intentions or resolutions. What do you see?

I am sure that there are a number of resolutions that really stick out for you. What do you want to celebrate? How will you celebrate? Where are you stuck? What do you need to get out of the way to move forward? What support system can you create or continue to draw on to move that 2 to a 10, or keep the 10 alive?

This year I set a limited number of resolutions for myself - in business and life, and two weeks into the year most of mine are falling in the 7-9 range. I've been keeping the questions I just mentioned in the forefront of my mind, as well as celebrating even the baby steps I have made (especially in the area of fitness), and revising some of my resolutions in the business domain.

What will keep your resolutions alive for you and in the forefront this year? What will balance look like for you in 2006?

As always, I am interested in hearing from you, and I will be announcing shortly a free one-hour call early next month on Your Balanced Life! Stay Tuned.


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