Your Balanced Life!

Monday, October 16, 2006

Work-Life Balance Tip #4 - Declutter

Work Life Balance Tip #4 - Declutter
Copyright 2006 - Jennifer Britton

Take a look around you. What do you see? Are you surrounded by clutter or does your environment look exactly how you would like it to be?

There is a lot of writing out there about how the state of your surroundings reflect your mind, and how your environment contributes to energy flow or energy blockage (Feng Shui).

If during your survey of your environment (particularly of your home or office) you are not satisfied with your surroundings, what changes would you like to see made? What is the one area that really gets under your skin?

While many want to attack the clutter as a one time deal, this often leads to procrastination. The task just seems too large. Taking a look at the one priority area you have identified, schedule 15 minute "blitz" sessions for three or four times this week. Arm yourself with your recycling bin, and a couple of extra boxes. During your fifteen minute intervals touch everything only once and decide if the item is something to keep, throw away or recycle (sell).

If it's papers that you are looking at, break the categories down to take action on (and only keep those you really will take action on!), file or throw away/recycle. The key here is to force yourself to make a decision, rather than shuffling the papers around. Do your filing and putting away, along with making a list of action items (and a time commitment slotted). Remember, touch each piece only once!

I have a number of clients who have used this approach, and while it may not be the fastest, it helps get over the procrastination hurdle. So are you ready to start your first 15 minutes? I'd love to hear how it goes, and what comes in with the new space you have created. Email me...I'd love to hear from you!


Jennifer Britton
Potentials Realized
Toll Free: 1-866-217-1960


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