Your Balanced Life!

Monday, May 28, 2007

Work Life Balance Tip: Plant a Seed

Gardening has been very much on my mind over the weekend, as I spent a number of wonderful hours putting in seeds and new plants for the summer months. It was wonderful to be working outside in the sun for a few hours.

Today's work life balance tip is about planting seeds. Just as with gardening, creating what we want in our lives and works often requires a lot of pre-work. The soil needs to be prepared, and seeds need to be planted. They may take a few weeks to sprout and even longer to bear fruit. The same thing can be said regarding our personal and business goals.

What seeds do you want to plant for future harvest? What do you need to prepare in your inner garden? What weeds are still around? Are all the necessary ingredients there for successful growth? What steps can you take this week to prepare your garden and plant your seeds?

I hope that you find this metaphor useful. I'd welcome hearing what seeds you want to plant in your garden for summer harvest.

Don't forget -- Tuesday evening (May 29th) I'll be doing a one hour free call on Assessing the State of Balance in Your Life. The call will run from 8-9 pm ET. The bridgeline for the call is (218) 486-1300, access code 957103. Participants are responsible for their own long-distance charges. Looking forward to speaking with you tomorrow evening! Next month's free call will be held on June 25th from 8-9pm (ET).

Have a balanced week,

Jennifer Britton
Potentials Realized
Toll Free: 1-866-217-1960

The next 90 Day Your Balanced Life program starts July 17th and runs to mid-October. Reserve your space today!



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