Your Balanced Life!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

April's 30 Day Challenge - Day 27: Planning to Celebrate

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Today is Day 27 of the 30 Day Challenge. How is it going for you? With four more days left in the 30 day challenge, what more do you want to achieve?

Today's post is all about getting ready to celebrate. Focusing on goal achievement consistently for 3o days can take a lot of effort. What have you learned through this process?

How will you celebrate your achievements at the end of the 30 Days? What do you want to acknowledge yourself for?

Make a list today of 10 things you could do to celebrate your hard work this month. Take a look at the list and pick the juiciest one and schedule it in.

Part of my learning through the 30 day challenge has has been to remember that small, regular movement towards a goal can make a huge difference, even if many other events pop up along the way. I've also realized that rest and pacing along the way is also really important. There have been days when I have not focused on my writing as planned. I've been gentle with myself and recognize that usually the next day when I put my attention on it again, my productivity is actually enhanced. So thre is something to be said about rest.

I would be interested in hearing about how you will celebrate? I am starting my own celebration this weekend up north at my cottage, my creative source. I'm looking forward to it!

Have a great weekend,


Jennifer Britton
Potentials Realized
Email: jennifer[at]potentialsrealized[dot]com

PS - Less than a week until we kick off the Get Organized! Virtual Retreat. I will be co-hosting this really exciting phone based program on Thursday May 3rd and May 10th from 7-10 pm (EST) with TV Host and Professional Organizer Hellen Buttigieg. We will be taking a hands on approach to spring cleaning, organizing, time management and other issues. A few spots still remain and we'd love to have you join us! For more information, click here. You can register online or call me toll free 1-866-217-1960.

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