Your Balanced Life!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Balance and Finances

This week's balance tip is all about balance and finances, an area that we often do not spend too much time talking about. However, it is an area that can have a huge impact on how we are viewing "balance" in our life. I am always amazed at how financial imbalance can trickle over to imbalance in other areas of our life.

When was the last time you sat down to really look at your financial situation? Do you know this month exactly what's coming in and what's going out? (This can be especially tricky for business owners). When bills have to be paid and for how much?

If you had to rank your satisfaction regarding this area of your life on a scale of 0-10 (with 10 being perfectly satisfied and 0 being "eeek!!!") where would you put yourself?

What are your strengths in the area of finances? What other areas need to be addressed?

What is one step you can take this month to put your financial house more in order?

There was a great article posted earlier this week by Christina Laun: 17 Important Financial Tips for Women, over at Ask the Advisor. Click on over and check it out!

Have a balanced week,

Jennifer Britton
The 90 Day Your Balanced Life program starts by phone on July 17th (Tuesdays 7-8pm ET). Reserve your spot today!

Next free monthly balance call:
Monday June 26th (8:30-9:30 pm ET): Creating Balance for the Summer Months (Note the new time!)
To attend and get the bridgeline information, email me at info[at]potentialsrealized[dot]com with June 26th Balance in the subject line. Looking forward to having you on the call! Your only cost is the long-distance charges to connect with the bridgeline.

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