Your Balanced Life!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Standing Your Relationships On Their Head

Some of you may know that a large part of my work as a coach involves team and group coaching, as well as relationship systems coaching for couples and business partnerships who want to take their relationship from great to extraordinary.

I am pleased to announce that I will be holding a one hour call "Do You Have to Stand on Your Head in Relationships? Three Keys to Getting 'Right' Side Up.". There is no cost to attend other than your long distance charges.

During the one hour call you will:
* Identify what drives you nuts in relationships
* Create a vision of what a truly fulfilling relationship looks and feels like
* Powerfully commit to taking action in the area of relationships

Our next call will be held on Tuesday October 23rd from 8-9pm (EST).

To reserve your space, send a blank email with October 23rd in the subject line to You'll receive an email with the bridgeline information and more details about the call. I hope that you will be able to join us! Feel free to also bring a friend or your spouse!

I will be joined on these calls by colleagues, and fellow retreat leaders, Sharon Miller, PCC and Jennifer Morgan, CPCC.

Future calls will be held on Thursday November 1st(8-9pm EST) or Tuesday December 4th (8-9pm EST). You can also reserve your space at by sending a blank email with the call date in your email.

If you and your partner are looking to take your relationship from great to extraordinary, I hope that you will consider joining us for one of our 2008 couples retreats. Save the dates:
Saturday January 12/08 - Make it Great for 2008 Couples Retreat (Toronto)
Saturday and Sunday April 26 and 27/08 - Relationships on Fire (Muskoka) (NOTE: Early Bird rates available to Jan 31/08)

Have a balanced week,

Jennifer Britton, PCC, CHRP, CPT
Potentials Realized
Coaching for Business Partnerships
Toll Free: 1-866-217-1960

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