Your Balanced Life!

Monday, April 16, 2007

What's Important - the 30 Day Challenge

It's day 16 of the 30 Day Challenge. How is it going for you? What are your major successes? What challenges are showing up? What are you learning from the process?

One of the biggest learnings I am having during the 30 Day Challenge with my writing goal is about realizing what is really important for me. Earlier this month I had set some pretty big goals for myself -- some which are well onstream, some exciting new ones that have emerged over the past couple of weeks, and some which have been postphoned to the future. The litmus test I have been using to decide what's on the agenda has been to ask what's most important? What will provide the most leverage? Asking these two questions to keep me focused on my goals have been invaluable.

What's most important for you? What activities will give you the most focused leverage as you move towards your goal?

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!

With best wishes,
Potentials Realized

PS - I had a great call on Thursday evening with Hellen Buttigieg, TV Host on "Help! I'm drowning in a Sea of Paper". We had over 250 registrants for the call. Early next month on May 3 and 10th we will be leading the Get Organized! Virtual Retreat ( 7-10 pm ET both evenings). See my earlier blog post about the topic. Spaces are filling very quickly, and I hope that you will be interested in joining us. If you are committed to making some personal organizational changes and want practical tips, tools and a supportive group environment to do it in, please read on for more information. This virtual retreat is held by phone so you can tackle your organization issues at your home and office during the retreat process. If you have any questions, please call me toll free at 1-866-217-1960.

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